Thursday, September 28, 2006


It seems that I have hit a bit of a plateau, health-wise. Although I am grateful that I am not getting any worse anymore, I am not feeling better as consistently as I used to. I have been very congested lately and my digestion is just kind of so-so. I think I'm doing pretty well about not eating much bad stuff but I'm certain that I'm still not eating enough food. Perhaps the change in weather is what's triggering my congestion. It may be the corn chips that I have with my guacamole too. If anyone has other ideas for what to eat guacamole with, I'm open to suggestions. I tried it on veggies (broccoli and cauliflower) and it wasn't very good. It wasn't very bad either, just kind of weird.

On the other hand, lifting is going well. I did increase in weight on the bench and did pretty well with the extra weight. I'll increase curls next time. My workout program is that if I make it through all my sets with no spotting help, I increase in weight on the next workout.

Regarding the food, I think I need to shift some of my food earlier in the day. I'm usually pretty hungry by lunch and very hungry when I get home from work. I should add a bit to breakfast and lunch and be a bit more diligent about eating high-nutrient snacks.

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